Am I back? I don’t know, we shall just have to play it by ear. I haven’t written a post in literally years. Why? Because I’ve felt defeated and been sitting in a pile of unmotivated self-pity and depression for far too long. I’m also a rambler when it comes to writing, and thought maybe no one cares to hear me yammer on endlessly about nothing much in particular. Then I thought, who gives a sh*t if I yammer on in a blog post very few see; if any. I should still share stuff here. Especially since I feel defeated by Instagram and never know what to share or say on there and if it’s the right thing or wrong thing or interesting or meaningless to the algorithm… Instagram makes me feel meaningless, I sorta hate it a bit. So, I don’t share or post much and I don’t say much, but, I do in fact have things to say, and I do want to share and create. Whine, whine, whine, I know. Thank you for joining this vent session… I’ll refrain from complaining in the future, and I’ll get back to sharing on here again. Maybe eventually I’ll even bother with a newsletter
I’m going to share my top 9 art from 2019, 2020, and 2021 now and stop bitchin’. See you again here soonish :)