Friday is Chinese New Year (or Lunar New Year, if you prefer) and I do really enjoy Chinese New Year and the way folks celebrate, dragons and dancing, good clean fun. So, I drew my one and only Marti dog celebrating a year all about him and his kind, the best kind, the dog kind. He wishes you all a happy day, happy year, and if you celebrate, celebrate safely and many happy returns!
Marti@CHRISTMAS the entire 31 days
So, back in December, I did a drawing challenge... I called it Marti at Christmas. Marti is my dog, his full name is Mad Martigan and he's adorable and a big ol' lump. I love him so. Anyways, here is the entire series of drawings. I'm going to clean them up digitally and then make a zine/book out of them. As well as a zine/book, there is a Calendar in the works and many other projects involving my dog, because Marti really is a cute little character.